Scholarly Articles
The articles below represent a selection of published works from both peer-reviewed journals and edited volumes. They may be accessed by scrolling over the main title.
Selections: of South Africa
Genealogy, Ancestality, Judgment
Ethnography, Cinema and the Task of Writing History in the Space of South African De-Industrialization
Between Language and Violence in Contemporary South Africa
Two Masks
Images of Future History and the Posthuman in Post-apartheid South Africa
Notes on Testimony, Truth-Telling and the Secret of Literature in South Africa
Reading //kabbo and Canetti with Derrida in (South) Africa
The Histories, Politics and Aesthetics of a
South African Figure
Speculations on the Value of Life and Death in South Africa’s Age of Epidemic
Political Subjectivity, Violent Crime, and ‘the Sexual Thing’ in a South African
Mining Community
Selections: of Southeast Asia
Unpopular Politics
The Collective, the Communist and the Popular in Recent Thai History
Positions for Rethinking the Question of Political Subjectivity
Ethnography, Cinema and the Task of Writing History in the Space of South African De-Industrialization
Notes on Trauma and the Possibility of the Political from
Southeast Asia
A Room with a Voice
Mediums and Mediation in Thailand’s Information Age
Speculations on Globality, Economy, and the Sex of Excess in Thailand
Mourning Nai Phi and the End of Revolution in Thailand
On the Aesthetic Economy of Transparency in Thailand
Thailand, Transnationalism, Transgression
Chiang Mai and the Photographies of Political Trauma in Thailand
Redressing the Discourses on Sex and Gender in Contemporary Thailand
Selections: of Media, Critique, and Theoretical Practice
An anthropologist tries to respond
The Humanities in an Age of Identity
The Secret History of an Originary Mistranslation
Reflections on the History of an Idea
to 'Photographies East: The Camera and its Histories in East and Southeast Asia
Image Files Corrupted
The politics and aesthetics of translation in British Malaya
Media, History, Terror
Performance Theory and the New Anthropology of Sex and Gender